Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cream Soda

Last night, as like most nights, I had very little sleep. I was still awake at 0430, despite trying to get to sleep in every position known to man. Tonight is a repeat performance.

I am wondering if I am pregnant. Not by the size of my abdomen, but by an overwhelming desire, a pathological need for cream soda! I haven't drunk it since I was a kid. I remember when I first tasted it. Ice cold on a scorching hot day. Simple pleasures. Memory makers.

So, up I got, walked a mile or so, to Asda. Good old 24 hour Asda. On the way, I was divebombed by gulls. It would take more than that to stop me. On arrival, I hurriedly asked a worker if they had cream soda. They're coming down with it. All shapes and sizes. They must also sell it to people who aren't insomniacs, as the place was empty.

Anyway, I got my six pack and started the walk home. As soon as I was outside, I popped one. Pure nectar satiated my thirst. Perhaps a thirst for the comfort of years ago. Childhood memories that make us feel a bit gooey, like when arms are wrapped around you; and all feels okay in your world. Or when someone stands beside you and you know you're in it together, no matter what.

I hate the fact that some children don't have that. Some children have horrible lives. Unimaginably horrible lives. Cream soda isn't going to fix it for them. Neither is a pair of arms around them. Some of them won't ever want arms around them, or bare to be touched at all.

But metaphorically, we need to embrace them, to protect them, to let them shine again. To stand beside them and say 'enough'. Otherwise, it's not only going to be me wandering the streets at night; and its unlikely that they will be drinking just cream soda from cans.


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